Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Couple Who Prays Together, Stays Together

Well, it has happened.  And way sooner than I had imagined it would.  My sweet little boy is in love.....puppy love, of course, but it's love as far as he knows.  I have heard him talk about Avery since the first day of school this year and I started noticing that they were together a lot while they were there.  So, her mom and I decided to arrange a few play dates and let me tell you, they are quite the pair!

We had them over for dinner the other night, and I let Aiden and Avery sit at their own table together.  It was by the window and the adults were wondering if we should light a few candles and turn on some music.  Ha!  Then I hear my son say "Avery, take my hand and let's say prayers."  I look over and see this:

As a Christian and as a mother, I can't tell you how proud this moment made me.  I love that he loves God and his church and that he thinks to say prayers on his own.  This was his prayer: "Dear God, thank you so much for mommy and daddy and Avery.  Thank you for this food and all of our blessings.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen."  What a boy!

I had a thought this morning about how sad he will probably be next year when he goes to Pre-K (PRE-K!?!?!?!)  and doesn't have all his sweet friends from this year in his class.  But if there is one thing I know about this kid, he is extremely outgoing and I'm sure he will be just fine. 

I am so behind on blogging, I have a list of things I want to write about.  Now that school is back in, I may be writing two posts a day just to get caught up!  But for now, I'm off to drink coffee and plan a jungle themed 1st Birthday party for sweet Miller.

much love,


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